Topáz gave birth to seven puppies

We didn’t sleep at night, but we were tired with joy since Topáz gave birth to seven puppies.

The whelping took place in order, it started at 11 at night and lasted until 03:30 in the morning. The last puppy came a little slowly, two hours passed between him and his sibling. The four male and three female dogs are healthy, suckling, and sleeping with full bellies.

You can see in the photos, how special the yellow fur of the little puppies is: “It is still wet after birth and wrinkled, the shape it took in their mother’s womb. I like these stripes, which will soon disappear, they are barely visible anymore” – said our professional manager, Piroska Komondi, six hours after the puppies were born.

She is still a beginner as a mother dog, so she was a little surprised when the first puppy was born: “She smelled him and thought that she had nothing more to do with him. Then he decided otherwise, cleaned and fed him” – said Piroska, who assisted throughout the birth. The smallest puppy is 417 dkg, and the largest is 553 dkg in the first litter of Topáz, which is also fine.

The birth of the puppies brought together an enthusiastic team. Our regular puppy raiser, Gizella, who helped with our dog Zina on all four of her births, was there. József was also there to reassure Topáz. He is the most suitable for this since he is the puppy raiser and owner of Topáz at the same time. “Huh, it was a great experience. We didn’t sleep much, but we’re over it. There were two midwives, me and the doula” – József said with relief.

Puppies born in our foundation’s breeding program are given names with the same initials in each litter. The names of Topaz’s puppies will start with the letter „F”.

We wish the puppies and the mother dog good health!