With guide dogs at the sensitization training in Alsózsolca

Together with our demo-guide-dog, Dió and the two student-guide-dog Bodza and Ebu, we made a visit at the Herman Ottó Elementary School in Alsózsolca, where we kept sensitization training in cooperation with colleagues from the Association for Disabled People and Friends of Miskolc. The topics of the day were tolerance and attentiveness to others.

On the picture a blindfolded student girl is guided by Dió with Katica’s help.
Dió and a brave student.

Upper elementary class students could learn a lot of new information about responsible pet ownership and guide-dogs from Piroska Komondi’s lecture who is our professional leader. Inter alia: only 1% of the blind society in Hungary is aided by dog-guidance even though it means a much more effective mean of support than any inert object. Students could even experience this while trying out how it feels to walk blindfolded with a guide-dog. In this practice our trainer, Katalin Lékáné Viszokai (Katica) was for our help. We would like to hereby thank you again for the invitation, this was a very fun and informative morning we spent together.

On the picture nine little students are standing with our Good to know booklet in their hand. Dió and Ebu are posing happily
Enthusiastic students with Dió and Ebu
On the picture the blindfolded teacher is guided by Bodza with Katica’s help.
Bodza is guiding!