Zsófi Lengyel and Mokka have been practicing diligently for weeks to prepare for their traffic safety exam. In front the exam committee, today they demonstrated what a great couple they are, and how they have honed their skills together.
Our foundation passed Mokka to Zsófi on her birthday, and they took the exam together on the birthday of the black labrador’s trainer. “I didn’t tell Zsófi that it was my birthday today so as not to put an unnecessary burden on her, but now after the exam, I was happy to tell her what a nice present she had given me,” said our trainer, Mária Nyíriné Kovács.
Despite her fine career as an athlete and work as a media presenter, Zsófi Lengyel was very nervous about how her exam with Mokka would go. Of course, it’s not an everyday event that three examiners watch every movement of a person and a guide dog!
“I practised the route with my best friend to prepare for our road safety exam. We did well, they praised us, but I’m a maximalist, we did make one error, we stalled a little when we had to find a street, and if I had only trusted Mokka better then, we would have found it much sooner. Apart from that, we have proved that we are a confident, fast-moving couple, ”said Zsófi happily, then added that champagne would probably be flowing this evening.
Many thanks to our puppy carers Szilvia Vadász Török, and her husband, Péter Vadász, for raising such a smart dog!