Ice, Ion, Indigó, Igor, Ikon, Inga, Indus, Ipoly are Iron, the nine Labrador puppies practiced today in Campona shopping mall in Budapest. The dogs of 4-8 months of age a nd their raisers meet at least once a month with the trainers of Baráthegyi Guide Dog School, when the trainers assess the development of the puppies, give advice on how to do different tasks, help the puppies and their raisers learn new situations and process their experiences.
Even everyday tasks can be challenging, such as walking on a leash, getting on and off different vehicles or slipping under a seat. Our trainers help the raisers to give the puppies the most appropriate support to develop into calm and balanced puppies-in-training.
The puppies are expected to get from their puppy raisers to the trainers of the foundation and after 6-8 months of training they can start preparing for the final exam with their visually impaired owners.
Currently 12 puppies are trained at the puppy raisres of Baráthegyi Guide Dog School with the guidance of the trainers. The school covers the training of guide dogs from donations and 1% tax offers.