Theater for guide dogs

We received a performance as a gift. The visually impaired owners and their guide dogs were also sitting in the audience. The actors were able to perfectly convey the emotional content of “Two Sides of the Disk” playing only with their voices.

“Our old dream came true on a sunny Saturday in September” wrote the cast of Presto Park. At a charity performance supporting the mission of our foundation, the play “Two Sides of the Disk” was performed in front of a full house. The visually impaired owners and their guide dogs were also sitting in the audience.

On the stage of the Jókai club in the XII th distinct, we could hear about vacations, work, parenting, running a household, hosting guests, and games people play. The actresses carried on dialogues with each other while sitting on chairs, from which both humor and serious thoughts came through. The play was directed by Mónika Tollár.

They talked about emotions just playing with their voices

We asked Dóra Sápi, the owner of Fidzsi, what the performance gave her. Dori is a theater lover and is currently working on her university doctorate at ELTE’s English Department.

“I was very happy with the opportunity, because I love the theater, lately I have been going to three or four performances in a month, whether narrated or not. I think this could be a great initiative, that the baráthegyi team, guide dog owners, trainers, puppy raisers and volunteers can participate not only in specific dog programs (runs, puppy meetings, etc.) but also in one of these cultural programs. Of course, the dogs are the primary connection points, but this way we can get to know each other
from a slightly different perspective (e.g. when the charity concert was last year, that was also a great program). And the two actors perfectly conveyed the emotional content of the stories using only their voices.”

After the performance, the company and Komondi Piroska, the professional leader of our foundation, talked on stage. At that time, in addition to art, our guide dog knowledge got a chance to be highlighted, which the audience listened to with pleasure, because there were many new things for everyone.

We thank the theater company for the experience, we hope that we will have many such good cultural experiences.

(On the left side of the picture, our volunteer coordinator Adrienn Csontos and Piroska Komondi can be seen with the members of the theater company.)