
Our dog-loving friends want to contribute to the community, which is why they have joined a special initiative. The goal of the program of the European Union is to develop a method to support the acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities. We are proud that our friends with guide dogs are part of the team at the Holdkő Cultural Foundation.

How is it possible that people who superficially know each other spend quality time together, build themselves and strengthen our foundation too? There is a method which has brought by our trainer Darinka Farkas as an EQ trainer and we are so grateful for.

Since the establishment of our foundation Darinka has been engaged in attitude shaping from kindergarden to university,

On the 28th March we held a sensitivity training for our volunteers at the Yettel Headquarters. Our charity’s work is supported by more that 250 volunteers, who help for example by raising the puppies, walking and exercising our guide dogs, providing transport to the doctor’s or the vet’s.