Dr. Zsolt Csúzda and Nátán passed their traffic safety exam. It was not easy for them because the weather raised the temperature to the heat alarm.
Nátán was very hot, but they were able to complete the 1-hour exam from Aquincum to Szentlélek Square.
guide dog
Brigi Berta and Morze passed the road safety exam this week. They passed it masterly, they seem to be in a harmonic relationship, with strong bond and love.
Morze is the third guide dog of Brigi. She got her first guide dog 15 years ago,
This is the first time that the pups of our own-bred litter “T” could participate in a puppy meeting.
Tulipán, Titán, Torma and their brothers and sisters were delighted to see each other again and were
fascinated to watch our older guide dog candidates.
Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the last puppy meeting was held in August 2020. After a pause of
almost an entire year, we gathered on Hajógyári Island on a nice weekend this summer, fully
observing of course all the Covid rules. Everybody had a great time,