Our New Team: Erzsi and her Guide Dog, Gesztenye

Erzsi’s first guide dog was a beautiful black Labrador, Mira, who was her loyal friend for 11 years. Erzsi took the loss of Mira very hard; in her deep mourning she did not even want to think of another dog, but without a guide dog she felt lost and uncertain.  Then after half a year of waiting, she got Speedy, a smart Golden Retriever, and the two of them were inseparable for more than 7 years.  Erzsebet was devoted to look after her dog, even when Speedy was diagnosed with cancer, however, one day Speedy fell asleep fpr good and now she is also taking care of her beloved owner from above.

Crying for Speedy, Erzsi claimed a guide dog from us in tears. She knew that no matter how much it hurts, without a guide dog she is unable to go to work, school or shopping.

Until the arrival of her new guide dog, Gesztenye, sea could leave her apartment only with the help of acquaintances. This vulnerability was terrible for her.

The first meeting with Gestenye took place in Győr, Erzsi’s home town. The cuddling and kind nature of the smart Labrador already then fascinated Erzsi, and Gesztenye watched her every word from day one. It was no question that the preparation for their life together and the traffic safety exam can start.

In the picture Erzsi is kneeling in the snow cuddling Gesztenye, a yellow Labrador, who is sitting beside her in harness
Erzsi and Gesztenye

They arrive to us to Miskolc on Monday this week with our rehabilitation teacher colleague Gyöngyvér Mikola. This is what Erzsi said about the week spent here:

“This was an incredible week; I have learnt and practiced a lot with Gesztenye with the help of dr. Tamas Mezősi, the chairman of the foundation and Gyöngyvér Mikola. First, I was a bit scared how we are going to get along with Gesztenye, since the roads were slippery due to the big snow; however, I was pleasantly surprised at my new companion. Either we had to go along a street where dogs were barking from behind the fences or we had to find our way back to the car in a snowy field, she continuously watched me and I felt that I can trust her. She was very smart in indoor tasks was well: she lay down under a chair and guided me in the obstacle course very nicely. I have already become attached to her and feel that she will be a worthy successor of Mira and Speedy.”

We would like to thank Katalin Rajki and her family for providing Gesztenye with a loving and happy puppyhood.