The puppies of Iris have turned 1 last month. To celebrate, they have come together at our monthly puppy classes to show off their skills. Mágnes, Mese and their other siblings performed really well and are ready to enter the next phase of their training. We would like to thank the families that raised the puppies for the past year and shared their homes with these amazing dogs. teaching them the basic obedience skills.
Iris, the puppies’ mother was also present at the gathering and was happy to meet with them, playing, chasing and posing for a photograph together.
By the time they turn 1, guide dogs in training have learnt the basics of obedience, which skills will form an important foundation for their later training. The puppies Müzli, Mokka, Mese, Mágnes, and Mítosz , all performed really well, executing all the commands requested by their trainer, Emese Barkoczi Kiralyne. All dogs and their puppy families received a certificate after the event.
We would like to thank our host families, for all their efforts in raising these wonderful Labrador dogs and for all their time spent practising the basic obedience skills needed for the specialised training of guide dogs. Mese, Müzli and their siblings will soon have to say good bye to their host families and move on to train with their guide dog trainers to complete their studies and become working guide dogs. We will write to you soon with more news about these amazing dogs!