As we reported before, Iris gave birth to 10 beautiful puppies. But we haven’t written about Katalin Török Sándorné who nurses Iris. She earlier got her guide dog, Morris from us and then she felt that she can do something really great. And so she did! Katalin and her family have given home to our mother dog and take care of Iris and her puppies. She hasn’t regretted it for a moment, though she was very excited about Iris and the puppies throughout. Our professional leader, Piroska Komondi helped her overcoming her fears and so she takes care of the mom and her puppies splendidly. We were talking about how she experienced this great happening. Katalin thinks Iris is a very good mother, taking care of her puppies with amazing devotion.

Katalin has been known the Baráthegyi School of Guide Dogs for 9 years, Morris; her guide dog has been being with her for 4 years. When she noticed the foundation’s ad about looking for a new owner for Iris, she felt that that was her moment she was waiting for a long time. She decided with her husband to help and to adopt Iris to be the member of their family.
Days before the big event they were sleeping pinned their ears back to have everything going all right if the delivery starts. Iris, who gave birth to puppies second time, showed the signs of coming deliverance already on Monday morning, 18th February, 2019, but the first puppy was born only on
Monday after 10 a.m. and late evening the tenth. Our professional leader, Piroska Komondi stayed with Iris and Katalin along the 28 hours.
“I feel that I have become a little more balanced, I find happiness in helping others. Years back I was a personal assistant at a foundation for 15 years. This way I can help giving puppies to more visually impaired people” says Katalin.
She tells us, now smiling little, that she was scared at the beginning, since it is a big responsibility to take care of a pregnant dog and later her 10 newly-born puppies. What’s more, she has never experienced anything like this before. The arrival of the first puppy a bit frightened her, but after the
second she could hardly wait for the others and that how many will be at last. The arrival of the tenth puppy was like an extra, as it seemed that there won’t be more. Katalin says that she and Piroska also felt that there will be one more pup. They were right… Giving birth to 10 puppies is not a cake-walk, but Iris still had the strength to take of her kids with wholeheartedness from the first moment. Katalin recalls the wonderful experience of her life with a happy smile on her face: “Unbelievably on the first night Iris started to carefully lift in and push the puppies under the infra-red lamp because she knew they can get warm there.”

From the beginning Kata has been reassured by our colleagues and their professional help. She is always set at ease by them if she worries too much about something and everything is explained to her in detail. This was the first time Kata was present at a birth of puppies and then started taking care of them so it is a big relief to her that they are healthy and a great joy to experience it.
“It was so fantastic to go through all of this, I would do it again anytime” she says.
We would like to thank to Katalin and her family for what they did and are still doing for Iris as our mother dog, of course, is going to stay with them later on. We are also thankful that you were pulling for Iris and the little ones.