Ivett Balogh and Boglárka Passed the Traffic Safety Exam

Yesterday Ivett Balogh and her dog, Boglarka, the small yellow female Labrador has demonstrated their skills in Barcs. Fatigued by the long journey, the board of examiners was welcomed by a very nice and excited family. The route drawn was from the residence to the post office. The first stop of the route with crossings, direction changes and a cloister was a dog run.  After demonstrating disciplinary tasks, the release and recall went also perfectly well. Moving on the team demonstrated their proficiency in dodging the passers-by and passing a dog barking behind a fence caused no trouble for them either. However, they had some trouble getting round a small puddle, but later it turned out that it was only a minor deflection. On the way to the post office they came across a dog without a leash, but how they solved the task was exemplary. At the destination it had to be demonstrated with the dog how to stay, which went perfectly and then the proper behavior in a neighboring shop. The team performed with flying colors. We certainly wish them good luck!

There is a yellow Labrador in the picture in harness with a woman. The front legs of the Labrador are on the first step while the woman is stroking her head.
Balogh Ivett and Boglárka