Iram and Kállai Antónia passed their safe transportation exam in Miskolc on the 17th of May. This means that Iram is now a real guide dog. We are very proud of him and we would like to thank the Nágl family and Maróthy Miklós for their excellent job with Iram.
The excercises were easy to Iram, he performed the orders correctly and joyful.
It was really clear during the route that they can face all barriers together. However, it wasn’t an easy task, there were many unexpected moments, like a car which was parking or bags from a building process that made the route a bit more difficult.
We wish them many years together!
As it can be seen on the first picture, Iram can show the sign of the bus stop to his trainer. For Antonia it is important to know this sign during their journey.
On these picture you can see that Emese is wearing a blindfolder to teach the dog the importance of his decisions. It is wonderful that Antonia is safe with Iram and she can trust him as well.