A city becomes livable thanks to its citizens. There is no difference between Budapest and Wien regarding this. Szabolcs Varga lives and works in Wien with his guide dog, Ice. They were visited by Index portal there. Please watch the video and read what was written about Ice by his trainer, Darinka Farkas.

Ice was 1 year old when I got him. I immediately felt in love with his nice and sensitive style and big „pie” head Ice got used to home rules easily thanks to his puppy raiser, Judit Susán, whose family raised him in big love, so that he can become a light in a life of a blind person. Ice was always calm, it was very good to live and work with him and to see the development of his personality during the training. He got to Szabolcs at the end of January. Following the common training in Hungary, they moved to Wien together.
Please check the video of Index portal about this:
Since then they travel home almost every week, and we are preparing for their road safety exam here in Hungary. They travel to Southern Europe in April, so Ice will get to lots of countries together with Szabolcs. Their joint work is fine, we have to cross fingers so that they have a long and happy life together, ”as it was told by Darinka Farkas, the trainer of the Baráthegyi Guide Dog School.
We are proud that Ice is our disciple!