The week of World Animal Day was a thrilling experience at our foundation. We held programs aimed to combat exclusionary attitudes for children and adults alike in three nursery schools in Miskolc, a school in Alsózsolca, and in Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden within the framework of “Love of Animals Festival”. Our dogs, Lego, Diamond, Felhő and Brendon showed to many what a guide dog is capable of. During the programmes, every four-legged got a lot of love and stroking – and treats, of course. In the zoo visitors could even get acquainted with Braille writing and try out our simulation glasses as well. Thanks to everyone for participating in these extraordinary tasks in such a kind, interested and enthusiastic manner.

Thanks to our volunteer puppy raisers, Nóra Juhász (with Google), Erzsébet Budai (with Hack) and our volunteer, Dóra Pozsgay (with her guide dog, Ében) for providing essential assistance in the programmes.