Guide Dogs in a School in Szeged

Janos Wesley Nursery , Elementary and Secondary School in Szeged held shortened classes on November 24 because we visited them in the afternoon with three very smart dogs of ours: Gesztenye, Brendon and Trafi. We held a program aimed to combat exclusionary attituted for the very reason that Alexa Ábrahám and Gamma go to this school.

In the picture Gesztenye, a yellow Labrador is guiding a little boy. His leash is held by our colleague.
Gesztenye is guiding

We had prepared many things for this day. Those interested could try out what it feels like walking blindfolded led by a guide dog and get familiar with Braille. We also presented exciting speaking devices and glasses simulating various eye diseases, which students could use to try out various tasks (drawing, walking with a white cane). Although the program was facultative, many students and teachers came and took part in it.

We thank everyone for the invitation and the enthusiastic participation!