Guide dogs in a Children’s hospital

On 27 April, the International Guide Dog Day, we visited the little patients of the Children’s Hospital in Miskolc. We were talking a lot with the children about guide dogs and everyone had the opportunity to try out what it is like to walk blindfolded with a guide dog.

In the picture there is a black Labrador in harness. The trainer is standing on one side of the dog and a little boy on the other stroking the back of the dog. A woman is holding the other hand of the boy.
With Delta

We spent a joyful afternoon with the children making everyone smile. We would like to thank Lions Club in Miskolc for the invitation and the organization of the event.

In the picture there is a young girl standing with a crutch in one hand and a black Labrador in harness sitting at the other. In front of them there is the trainer.
Ready to go

You can watch the video of the visit here: