Our teams did very well in the Guide Dog Competition organized by the Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted.
Beáta Lingner and Denisz, Dóra Sápi and Fidzsi, Csaba Tanai and Bonca, Dóra Pozsgay and Ében and Barbara Bartus and Demi took part in the competition. Teams of three competed with each other; team members were selected by a draw. Among others there was a disciplinary task including the ‘sit’, ‘stand’ and ‘down’ tasks, then in the practice field teams could prove their skills with guide work and a two-minute staying in one spot. The winners each received a gift parcel, which contained among other things a new harness offered by the Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted. The weather was pretty good; in the buffet bread and dripping and lemonade was waiting for the participants. Thank you for the invitation!

Dóri Pozsgay talks about the competition:
“I was given number 12 and in front of me there were some visually impaired acquaintances of mine with guide dogs for whom we crossed our fingers. Finally, the time had come when with the help of Dóri Sápi’s father I also went to the tent from where we started the competition. First, we had to do the disciplinary tasks. Then, we set out with Ében so vigorously that I had to keep him to wait for me on the first stair.

Then came a winding part after a left turn that made Éb a little frightened. Noticing this I tried to motivate him and eventually we managed to get through it. Then there was a wooden bridge, where both at the beginning and the end he neatly stopped, then there was a set of up and down steps that we did well. Then came the bus stop, where even Marcsi Nyíriné praised us, as considering how high the trash was, Éb jumped up nicely.

A few other obstacles had to be avoided, which we hardly notices as we went back to the starting point, where after the signal I had to make Éb stay. After all the participants went through the field, we went back to the terrace with Dóri and her father, where Anikó joined us. Finally, the results were announced, which we listened to excitedly to know our result. Our team became the fourth. As a gift, we received a new harness, an approximately 1.5 kg dog food and a medal. At home, I adjusted the harness to Ében, fastened the logo on the Velcro of the new harness and stirred up the new food, which Ében really liked.”