Golden Effie Award 2014 for the hungarian guide dogs

Our guide dogs received enormous commendation! As a Non-Profit Organisation we  did very well at the Effie Awards Ceremony this year and won the Golden Effie Award in the Long-term Efficacy category. As you all know, the mission of our Foundation is to help blind people in ways that enable them to live a full and happy life. Our guide dogs contribute to this greatly by giving their humans self-sufficiency and independence.

We are proud that the jury found our message to raise public awareness about this issue efficient, valuable and ethical.

In the picture in front of the Effie Awards posters four men and a lady are standing with the Effie awards in their hands). One of the men is dr. Tamás Mezősi  (Chair of our Foundation Board)
The winners of the Effie 2014 Awards in the Long-term Efficacy category

The Long-term Efficacy category in which we have been awarded the Golden Award is given each year to organisations which at least for three consecutive years particularly distinguish themselves by their achievements. In a close competition the jury of experts finally placed the work of our foundation before widely-known and successful  large enterprises. We are truly thankful to them!

In the picture under the huge Effie Award logo the award-winners are standing and sitting.
There were so many people attending this year’s Effie Awards Ceremony, that even the stage was fully with participants 🙂

We would hereby like to thank our growing number of volunteers for their continuing efforts. As a result of their invaluable help and commitment , our mission is becoming more and more widely recognized.
We hope that by winning this award  we will also be able to win more supporters for our cause: „Do something VERY GOOD for the guide dogs!”

How can you help more than 1% of blind people in Hungary obtain a guide dog?

Be a volunteer!
Show your company that we are worth cooperating with!
Take part in our team bilding senzitizing programs!


Because your donation creates value!