Géniusz is a hard-working student

Géniusz is not entirely aware of the size of his body, so body awareness is an area to be developed. His trainer, Mária Nyíriné Kovács helps him with this. But what does it mean exactly?

Géniusz, the beautiful black Labrador is practicing diligently
Géniusz, the beautiful black Labrador is practicing diligently

Hind foot awareness can be developed. Mária Nyíriné Kovács tries to call him up objects and surfaces where he doesn’t jump but steps or climbs up or has to push himself; this is good for improving his balance, too.

At the beginning of his training, he could complete these exercises only with difficulty, and there is still room for improvement.

Géniusz always tries to please his trainer

Géniusz steps up various edges and benches with his trainer tirelessly and with great enthusiasm, and always tries to please his trainer.