On 1 February, many Baráthegyi supporters and dogs got together for a hike on  Hármashatár hill. Not only guide dogs and their owners, volunteers and puppy raisers with their puppies came, but families and friends also joined in.

We all had a great time hiking the icy forest paths and the dogs enjoyed the carefree hours of  play in the snow enormously.

Dora took part in our school’s Sensitizing Activity at first time in these days. She wrote about her first occasion:

„We arrived at Baráthegyi Guide Dog School as beginner volunteers. Here we learnt about the types and degrees of vision problems from a presentation.

Our trainers held their first professional day this year in Miskolc, on 20th January.

The experts, working on different points around the country, usually meet once in a month in our school in order to discuss current professional questions. Getting acquitted and its key-issues were such a question this time,

Some of our volunteers visited our first sensitizing program of the year to learn about the everyday life of visually impaired people.

This exciting meeting provided our sighted participants with new viewpoints on how we they can help their visually impaired fellow human beings,