Post of Lilla

The Baráthegy Guide Dog School aim is to provide more and more visually impaired people guide dogs given with free of charge. For this reason, we are constantly increasing our team of volunteer puppy raisers, which is now waiting for puppy raisers to apply! The bet is no less than this: whoever proves to be suitable for the task will take part in training at the beginning of 2025,

Our dog-loving friends want to contribute to the community, which is why they have joined a special initiative. The goal of the program of the European Union is to develop a method to support the acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities. We are proud that our friends with guide dogs are part of the team at the Holdkő Cultural Foundation.

Garas and Göncöl may look tiny on this picture, though they were born with a nice weight and they are considered big size puppies. They became 7-8 kilogramme little guys during the more than 8 weeks spent at the place of their birth.

Garas and Göncöl already need their own time for development,

Zsuzsa and Ánizs passed their road safety exam last week. The guide dog has given her owner back her freedom, thanks to her she no longer has to ask for help from others. Zsuzsanna Kollár said that she works at the university hospital in Pécs,