Borsó and Monsoon met last summer. They were immediately inseparable from the first moment. Their puppies were born a week ago, and since then, they have been developing well. Their personalities are starting to take shape, and it’s becoming clear who looks more like which parent.

Borsó, one of our foundation’s young mother dogs, gave birth to her first litter. The 4 little miracles—3 boys and a girl—were born on the 14th of January, healthy and strong. Although we didn’t know how many puppies we were expecting based on the ultrasound,

The three female and two male puppies born on January 15th are healthy, along with their mother. The birth process began with difficulty, as the first puppy was breech and also had a higher-than-average weight, more than half a kilogram.

We waited four hours for her arrival,

It has already become a tradition that Baráthegyi Vakvezető Kutya Iskola gives Christmas presents to visually impaired and underprivileged children. The givers, known as “angels,” have been bringing more and more presents to the Christmas tree each year. In the first year, there were 50 children;