
A common practice in western countries is that responsible citizens consider charity when making their will. It is also possible in Hungary. Our foundation is committed to use these offerings trustworthily and according to the will of the testator.

Our official data:
Baráthegyi Vakvezető és Segítő Kutya Iskola Alapítvány / Baráthegyi Guide Dog and Service Dog School Foundation

Address: 3529 Miskolc, Park u. 8.

National registry number: 1177 / 2006

You can check the official data of our foundation in the database of National Judicial Office by clicking on the follwing link:

Alapítványok nyilvántartása a bíróság központi honlapján.

If you wish to support the foundation in this way, it is recommended to visit a notary, who will give full and detailed information on the options.