
According to our experience, guide dogs have an unprecedentedly intense ability to bond with their owners, and we assume that this attachment is stronger than the attachment of other dogs to their owners. It is because they spend much more time together and have many more common experiences.

We are delighted that Zsófia Lengyel has won the SuperWMN “Believe in yourself” award. She was accompanied on stage at Müpa Budapest by her guide dog Mokka. Zsófi works for equal opportunities in Székesfehérvár.

On Monday evening, Zsófia Lengyel received the WMN Magazine “Believe in yourself” award,

The North-Hungarian Rehabilitation Centre for the Visually Impaired provides subsidised housing for the visually impaired in the city of Miskolc.

Sheltered housing is available for visually impaired people who want to use community services instead of institutional care. The EU-funded building in Miskolcapolca can accommodate ten people in single and double rooms.

Brigitta Hegedüs and her guide dog Artúr graduated with flying colours from the University of Miskolc. Artúr proved that he is not only a guide dog but also an emotional support dog, helping Brigi in more ways than one. Some of the university professors even put the dog’s name on the register to check is he was present at the lectures.