On Wednesday we could take part in the first traffic safety exam in Zala County, Nagykanizsa, thanks to Zoltánné Baranyai and her guide dog, Szilaj. They started the exam after several months of practice.
![In the picture there is a Labrador guide dog lying on the grass in harness. Beside him there is his owner kneeling and stroking the dog’s head with one hand.](/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Marika_Szilaj-400x300.jpg)
The exam started from the inter-city bus station. Passing through Fő Square of the city, the team’s path led to a grassy area next to the Cultural Center, where they demonstrated the disciplinary tasks and recall of the reliability tasks. Along the way, a road opening made their progress more difficult, which they managed to solve confidently. From there, they got at Integrated Government Services through crossings and a roundabout, where they reached their destination overcoming stairways and doors. Staying in one place does not belong to the favorite tasks of Szilaj, but he accomplished it and eventually they passed the exam.