Tamás Prepszl and Pixel passed their road safety exam today. The rain was their biggest challenge which didn’t cause any problem for such compatible partners.
When Pixel woke up this morning, he wasn’t in a good mood. Not because he knew he was going to take the exam today, instead of which he could have imagined ten better programs, but for a different reason: our sensitive dog does not like rainy weather. Of course, he still led his owner very nicely and avoided the puddles carefully and elegantly. He took care of Tamás’s shoes more than his own paws.
Although he was forced to perform the obedient tasks of the road safety exam on the cold and wet sidewalk, he got down to the 50-minute route drawn by Tamás with great enthusiasm. From their home in the 10th district, they took trams 1 and 5 and bus 95 to the young man’s workplace in Zugló. Tamás works at „Főkefe” as an IT specialist. It will be memorable when an old lady in the tram “commentated” to the traveling public what exactly Tamás and Pixel were doing “very skillfully”, but that didn’t bother them either. In the meantime, there was a bit of information dissemination, since despite the old lady’s assumption, Pixel did not receive sweets for his successful search for a seat, but treats for dogs.
Who follows our work, they know how carefully we work on finding the perfect dog for each client of us. We asked Darinka Farkas, who was the trainer of Pixel, about our newly graduated pair: “Tamás is an IT specialist, that is the reason why he got Pixel…Seriously, they became partners because they are both sensitive and gentle young men.”
We congratulate Pixel and Tamás for completing the exam tasks well. We wish them lots of happiness. We thank Pixel’s trainer for her excellent work, and our dog’s puppy raiser, Anna Gáspár, for raising such a wonderful guide dog.