An Extraordinary Sports Day with Guide Dogs

We took part in the Sports Day of Nemzeti Útdíjfizetési Szolgáltató Zrt. (National Toll Payment Service Provider), where the company’s staff could collect points in teams by solving different tasks. One challenge was at the tent of our foundation. After trying out with the help of Brendon, Diamond and Lego what it is like to walk by using a guide dog, everyone could spell out their own names which was written in Braille, then came the scent recognition game and a special tic-tac-toe developed for the visually impaired. The participants could also experience loss of vision caused by a variety of eye diseases by wearing simulation glasses. Team members were very enthusiastic and open, they asked a lot of questions and heroically completed every task.

In the picture a man is trying out what it is like walking blindfolded led by a black Labrador guide dog. In another part of the picture people are sitting under a tent and playing different games.
Competitors are performing different tasks!

There was a really good atmosphere all through the day. It was a great joy for us to see how much people were interested and visited our tent in the midst of so many exciting programs. In addition, we would like to say thank you to the two assistants who were with us throughout the day and helped our work.

We would like to thank all the employees of the company that they supported the training of guide dogs with their donation.